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Turbo 2trfe & Auzzie Rules Tuning Progress from BC.

Discussion in 'New Members' started by TacoMan.46', Apr 8, 2023.

  1. Apr 8, 2023 at 3:16 PM

    TacoMan.46' [OP] New Member

    Mar 23, 2020
    Okanagan Valley BC. Canada
    Holset HX35 w .83 Turbine Housing w 44mm External Gate thru Screamer. Big FMIC. Big Clutch. Water Meth. Leveled on 5100's
    Gooday All, 'Happy Easter Weekend' from the Okanagan Valley here in BC. Canada..
    Just wanted t say Hey' .. As well as reaching out to find others, in midst of Tuning' their Turbo 2trfe's..
    I've been Up and Running' my Budget Turbo Build' for about 3000km on an Externally Gated HX35 w/a 5# Spring, on Stock Injectors, N/A Tune & AEM Water Meth'.. Big Pump' Reg' AFR' etc.
    Although running pretty carefully to date, I've really had zero issues.. but know I could have, w/o Tweaking the Tune.. (feel I'm a Tic' beyond the initial Auzzie Rules 3RZ Setup)
    That said, I've since purchased a VF Tuner Kit, to get through the Final Leg' .. To Flash' and enable Pulling of Timing', ReScaling MAF' Larger Injectors' at min..
    Now looking to get in on a Current & Active Forum to discuss the process.. compare notes etc. w questions a plenty..
    Though I've seen some stuff on here, I keep losing my place?..
    Any leads or Links' appreciated..
    Thanks in advance
  2. Jun 10, 2023 at 3:46 AM

    Nedkelly OzLux

    Jan 14, 2019
    First Name:
    2008 Hilux 4x2 Dual cab 2TR FE
    Air intake, exhaust, i-Drive throttle response, Detroit Tru-Trac.
    Hello Tacoman 46,

    Found your post regarding 2trfes and thought it could be worth the response. Have a supercharged 2tr and am in Australia. If you would like to anything about the set up feel free to ask. Am hoping that I will be notified through the email account soon enough. Am running a Haltech Elite 950, Bosch 730cc injectors and a few other modifications if it's of interest.

  3. Jun 20, 2023 at 3:45 PM

    TacoMan.46' [OP] New Member

    Mar 23, 2020
    Okanagan Valley BC. Canada
    Holset HX35 w .83 Turbine Housing w 44mm External Gate thru Screamer. Big FMIC. Big Clutch. Water Meth. Leveled on 5100's
    Hey Nathan..

    Wholly Moly'.. Big Injectors' in my World!.. Are you on the Methional then?

    Cheers on getting back to me.. Sorry to take so long.. I've been off the Air' for some time.. gettin distracted with other things..

    But Hey' & Regardless.. Tho still rather clumsy gettin around here, happy to share the Journey'..

    Yeah in General'.. Truck's still running pretty mint under the Cautious Flag' and still haven't got to the bottom of the vFTuning Process' (not their problem so much).. but about to pick that up again here shortly..

    Current Situ as follows in (2 Parts)

    Part (1) ECU'
    Problem being, as not aware at the time of purchase, my Stock ECU' is not Listed' in the vFTuner Software' (as a 04471), but is rather, as Updated to (04472), subsequent to a 'Toyota TSB'..

    I'm now instructed per vFTuning to Download Toyota Techstream Software', so as to be able to perform the TSB' at home, on my own..

    Problem being, I've not as yet been able to find some sort of Open Source Access' to Tech Stream Software' that I'm comfortable with..
    Appears to me at this point, one has to go thru an otherwise 3rd Party, Register, Download etc. then pay $75 USD.($100.+- CDN. for 2.0hrs Access & Use'.. which isn't practical or affordable to me..

    Not being super confident in the process at this particular juncture'.. I'm thinkin, if I have to do this more than once, get something wrong, or Brick my ECU' then ArghWtF !!! .. So still lookin for a solution..

    Anybody got any Links' Tips' for an otherwise Trustworthy, Affordable Source' appreciated..
    I did see something from out of Toyota Europe' but that could be another issue..
    I know I'm probably overthinkin it, and Must followup'

    Anyways, once getting to this Level' will be Freakin Monumental' and will make my ECU' Recognizable to the vFTuner Software'.. at which time, as I understand it, will be able to Access' Data Log' and Tune my Stock ECU' to whichever level I want to pursue (pretty much)

    .. Just being able to Read Data Logs' and get an Accurate Understanding' of where I'm really at, and gaining an understanding of what I need, will be Great!..

    So yah, that pretty much sums up Part(1)..

    Part(2) 2TRFE Oversize Quality Injectors;

    I see you're running 730's Supercharged' and wondering, if you don't mind, sharing where you're source was, and whether or not you're running this Stock Configuration, and the Stock OEM Fuel Rail?
    Though yours are much bigger than than I'm looking for, I've found this also to be a bit of a Challenge'

    Oversized Injectors' in the same configuration as Stock' w/the 11mm Top O'Rings and the Extended Nozzles' seem to be pretty weird overall, if at least not generic ..
    Maybe an Alternate Fuel Rail' to accept 14mm Top & Btm. O'Rings, w/ Extended Nozzles?

    Though aware of 'FiveO' Deechwerks' Bosch' & Denso' etc. there must be a CrossOver No.' from one of these guys, or whomever else, that had the same configuration as Stock' in like 440's to 500's capacity?

    At least this is what I'm looking for at the moment, having apparently missed out, on a used Set' of 'Five O' 550's here on the Forum'.. Curious if anyone has any suggestions here, as well

    Pretty much the End.. (Part 2)

    So there you have it.. Would be curious to hear more about your Ride' and what you're doing with it..
    Also curious if you're aware of any way to get hold of the ShedKing'.. as he was my original
    inspiration, and kind of Evaporated from FB'.. I found him on Instagram' but access restricted??

    Anyways.. Any Feedback or Tips appreciated..
    Sorry bout the Long Gab' but that's what it's like when you're doin it on your own..
    Just gotta Talk About It'

    Thanks Man' I'll keep an eye out for yas..

  4. Jun 22, 2023 at 8:59 PM

    Nedkelly OzLux

    Jan 14, 2019
    First Name:
    2008 Hilux 4x2 Dual cab 2TR FE
    Air intake, exhaust, i-Drive throttle response, Detroit Tru-Trac.
    Hi Michael,

    I'll do my best to respond in further detail over the weekend.

    Good on you for asking mate. Speak soon,
  5. Jun 23, 2023 at 4:02 AM

    Nedkelly OzLux

    Jan 14, 2019
    First Name:
    2008 Hilux 4x2 Dual cab 2TR FE
    Air intake, exhaust, i-Drive throttle response, Detroit Tru-Trac.
    Hello again Michael,

    In doing my best to share how it came to be with taking a stock set up to its current form the initial hurdle seemed to be the closed loop aspect of the Toyota ecu. The Haltech is able to manage the fueling/timing parameters whilst being able to work with the factory ecu. In only having had the vehicle tuned twice, first when the Haltech/cams/head-valves-valve springs/exhaust was fitted and then when the s/c was fitted it has worked out to be a good decision to let those in the know work out what is required in order to deliver a reliable vehicle. I have nothing against those which are willing and able to explore the tasks involved in bringing positive changes to their own vehicles though it made sense with having close by experts in their chosen fields to carry out the work to transform a standard vehicle into where it is currently.

    In recognising that there are two factors at play when it comes to modifications, this being time and budget, the decision was made quite some time back to be patient with where the vehicle would end up, thus being a blown 2.7. Regardless of being mechanically minded and tech savvy to a point it was decided that the mechanics/tuners would be trusted with carrying out the work required.

    As you can very well appreciate the internet is awash with the likes of "my mate reckons" and "this guy told me..." and part of the journey is working through the bullshit, the that can't be done and getting to those who are willing to implement the changes we seek. Patience and determination being the key.

    In acknowledgement of your expressions I had contacted Five-0 about injector supply and did inform the tuner of being able to source 650cc injectors out of the states if need be. I also consulted Tim of Raptor Superchargers here in Australia about what the tuner was finding around standard injector duty cycles (250-280cc) and Tim thought 440cc would be ok and him going on to mention 730cc could be "way too big". Needless to say, the Bosch 730s are at 70% duty cycle at full capped rpm, this being the 5850 and having been moved from the factory 5500 due to peak power. 350nm of torque currently.

    In regards to coils the original coils were considered up to the task by the first tuner, having mentioned to him that I had spoken to Haltech about LS1 coil.conversions. Coils are still standard and didn't even bother to raise the issue with the second tuner (first one left the area to join motorsports in Europe...good on him) and can offer that standard coils are original all the way from March 2008 that.came with the car.

    Injector buckets had to be modified in order to be right depth but this was carried out via way of belt sander as they are plastic. Fuel rail is stock though fuel regulator was replaced along with fuel pump. Don't have the brand though was informed it will comfortably supply.up to 650 hp. I did look at, from memory the Walbro 255 units some time back which seemed a common conversion for some of the turbo 2.7 guys.

    No sweat on the long gab Micheal and can offer reassurance toward the willingness to communicate clearly in order to find the relevant answers:)

    From what I've learnt of ShedKing, as he is "up the road" from me in the next state, he has pulled back somewhat from his presence due to local council hurdles around his business. As a side note I can fully understand his frustration with hurdles presenting in front of someone willing to have a go (as we say here), especially in considering his efforts to be aligned with any other frontier crossing type and along with understanding potentially a reluctance to engage outside of his immediate 3RZ circle. So hope you don't take it personally.

    Hopefully I haven't ended up too lost in all thing 2.7 to which it becomes less so a help and more so waffling. Feel free.to sort through the above and reach out again. I don't have the cam specs with me unfortunately though do know the reputable Cam tech was able to work with the standard lobes as best as can be having mentioned the goal.of forced induction. The 50mm intake manifold spacer now available through LCE Performance definitely moved the torque curve closer down the rev range.

    As for Methanol, interesting that you me-me-mention that as am currently working on the implementation of an appropriate water/meth kit, having so far contacted both Snow Performance and Haltech in the last week to promising results. Again, should you wish to have any info shared am happy to oblige.

    Hope that covers it all.so far mate.
  6. Jul 2, 2023 at 4:23 PM

    TacoMan.46' [OP] New Member

    Mar 23, 2020
    Okanagan Valley BC. Canada
    Holset HX35 w .83 Turbine Housing w 44mm External Gate thru Screamer. Big FMIC. Big Clutch. Water Meth. Leveled on 5100's
    Hey Nathan..

    Great to hear back from you .. Apologies for my tardy response time.. and very much appreciate your input..
    On the Stock ECU Mods' per vFTuner Claims', and as I've been convinced (paid my money) I am confident on being able to develop a Workaround' for this .. I too was skeptical in the early stages..

    That said my situation remains the same.. now needing to find an affordable means to get into Toyota Techstream Diags. Software, in order to access my ECU.. and since been informed I now have to move from my current residence has complicated things further.. Ahahaha' Argh..

    Whatever ..Trucks still running pretty damn good regardless (from 287 > 295,000 kms.) .. All whilst knowing it isn't completely right.. (timing my biggest concern) ..
    Like you were saying Patience & Determination'.. I believe I'm currently a Champion of both..

    I am certainly aware of Haltech, but have no Talent near me nor Budget to Play in that Arena, and really liked the idea of not having to Re Pin' Anything .. though they have heaps of such kool kit..

    In the Interim there seems to be more and more coverage on the Toyota Techstream, I just need to pursue it harder.. Once I'm able to perform the ECU TSB. Update from (04471)to the (04472) the vFTuner will recognize it, then I'll be away.. (again personally frm vFTuner)

    When I asked Mat, the developer, he explained that once I'm in I'll be able to do pretty much anything I'd be able to on a StandAlone'.. like Haltech' Link' or otherwise..
    Given my rather conservative goal of like 250 > 275 Whp. and maintaining Reliability' I'd be super happy with that .. as my Daily'

    Therefore in the same vein & On Injectors' I'm seeing the 440's as Ideal' w/ Maybe 550's as Max for my application (stocks being 315's) .. Given if I can't maintain some real sense in economy of operation, I'd consider it a bit of a failure.. at least at this point, w/ the price of Fuel' and costs of just getting around. Lol'.. Would Really like to source a Workable Part No. for a Similar Shaped Injector' within the capacities mentioned.. (even used) I just don't have a $100 USD per Hole' to spend, but do have an AZNU Injectors Tech' South African Buddy' here in the Hood' that could clean them for me.. Any help in this area would be Mega'..

    Hey Yeah.. Thanks as well for the Feedback' on Shed King' .. and Yes I get It'.. Is pretty much what I'd figured had happened, Running his Business outta the House' Lots of YuToob Exposure' etc.. but really just wanted to send him a bit of a 'Thankyou & Short Video Clip' of my 1st FireUp'.. as is the result of his Enthusiasm that Inspired me to commit, Work through it, and get it Running'.. It was Huge'.. Prior to that, I was driving around in a Super Gutless Taco 4 Banger'..
    Now one of the 1st ever Turbo 2trfe Taco's I'm aware of.. (at least here in Western Canada)
    .. Of course then Toyota goes and Builds One'.. WTF'

    On Fuel, I did as well upgrade my Fuel Pump' to Freakin Huge' as well as Boost Sensitive AreoTech Reg. though not going anywhere near Coils, Cams or Cam Timing at this point, though will also be able to play a bit with that apparently, once I have a handle on the ECU via VVTI Intake..

    I would however, be super keen on an affordable Forward Facing Intake' and or a means by which to convert from the Stock 64mm. Throttle Body' to something the the range of 70-75mm. which would obviously allow things to Breathe Much Better' as well as clean up my Intercooler Piping Considerably'.. I do believe the Early Tundra 4.7's used a 74mm. but have No Idea at the moment whether this is something that could be made to Sync with the Std. Wiring Loom Setup (plugs, resistances etc.) .. more research reqrd. here, but a Manifold'.. Hey'.. That would be a Significant Step' in the right direction.. Even something Proven' in Kit Form would work, as I do have access to some good aluminum welders..

    My otherwise next target, would be sorting out the wiring & installing a 'Lock out Switch' for the Electronic Select' for 4WD Low' so as to only engage 2WD Low (rear) .. Would be Super Handy' for manipulating my rather heavy 14'-0 Trailer around.. Especially in Reverse.. Currently a bit hard on the Clutch' particularly backing Up Hill'.. Nasty'

    Next would be some Air Bags' in the Rear' for Various Loads Handling' as well as Towing'..

    Well Hey'.. That's about the extent of it, getting to July 02.
    So yeah.. Anything at all that you think would be helpful, would be so appreciated.. there is just so much more access to the Good Bits' for these little motors in your part of the world..
    (tho we both got Big Blocks'.. there small when compared to a 460ci. Ford' lololol'..)

    This gained mostly off YuToob'.. Mighty Car Mods' Skid Factory' Benny's Customs' The Haltech Boys' High Performance Academy' the Hoff' etc.

    All the best Man'..
    Look forward to hearing back from yas at some point..

  7. Jul 3, 2023 at 4:22 AM

    Nedkelly OzLux

    Jan 14, 2019
    First Name:
    2008 Hilux 4x2 Dual cab 2TR FE
    Air intake, exhaust, i-Drive throttle response, Detroit Tru-Trac.
    Hi Michael,

    Have you got your turbo yet or are you still in the process of sizing it. I did end up down the rabbit hole of studying compressor maps extensively when originally contemplating turbocharging though eventually consulted with a turbo supply company in Queensland. This resulted in a well matched unit for the goal of approximately 300 hp and from memory it was a GT3582. No sweat if you already have the turbo, but am sure a company over there would be better able to help you reach your desired power goal with suggestions. Whilst it seems a high horsepower unit it was mentioned that it may only need to generate 7-8psi to then deliver the power range. As my vehicle does not have any traction control it's something I have to be mindful of, especially in wet weather and without a load in the rear.

    I have found a Chinese company that seems to supply both a turbo kit for the 2TRFE and just the manifold. Whilst it may be pretty basic it could serve as a good template for an exhaust manifold. Will try and find the link again if you're interested. Did try and look up OZBoost via the internet to see if he was still doing the Chinese turbo kits for 2TRs bit looks like he may not be in business any more.

    In regards to throttle body sizing, there may.be an opportunity to adapt a larger one as you say and perhaps the fly-by-wire aspect of late model tb's is something that could be easily adapted. I'm not sure how you would calculate the flow capacity of the original Tb against the likes of the Tundra. Neither of the 2 tuners that have worked on the Hilux have been overly concerned about the Tb, more so in just concentrating on the air intake size. Intake piping is 3" to the supercharger and 2.5" from charger to water/air intercooler, then same to original Tb with a 2.5" to 2 3/4" silicone hose bend from the last elbow to Tb. If not mentioned before, the last tuner said that my intake system could potentially flow another 3psi + by changing to pod filter and front mount i/c though for the sake of longevity and fuel consumption it's kept at a more conservative set up for the time being. With that in mind you just be able to achieve 260/270 hp quite comfortably with the original Tb. You may know that different dynos will report different figures anyway, noticing how the first lot of tuning produced higher numbers and put this down to being a hub dyno, second being rollers.

    Both tuners did indicate that there is a capacity to adjust the lobe separation angle (lsa) to some degree (no pun intended) in order to adjust for forced induction, though didn't think to ask as to whether that was through the Haltech or the factory ecu. In having ordered a Red Bullet vvt solenoid I'm keen to see what difference, if any, this will make. Apparently, if you are unfamiliar with the concept, it is supposed to bring the vvt in sooner, we'll see. So perhaps whilst bouncing factory ecu questions around you could ask about scope to adjust intake cam variations.

    If you're on a reasonably tight budget perhaps it's worth trying to find a second hand 2TR head to give polishing the ports a go? And not sure if you can buy just the double valve springs from LCE Performance but that could be worth looking at also.

    Am going to hopefully get to speak with another mechanic this week, having moved to a different state, about their thoughts on further porting to the head and the 1mm larger diameter valves from LCE. Am interested in what changes may come from such a move now with forced induction. As you very much seem to be aware, outlay vs return is under constant consideration. In having received the quote from a local distributor of Snow Performance products for a suitable water/methanol injection kit this too has to be discussed.

    In regards to your Low2wd thoughts, am wondering if Advance Adapters in the states could help you, should it be that you are yet to contact them. Not sure of all things electronic selection but I know they do twin stick kits for t-cases. Low 2wd definitely comes in handy and found most times with my old cruiser that this and rear difflock was plenty to get out of or over obstacles.

    As for airbags, we have Airbag man over here that does kits for different vehicles. Have tried for some time to determine whether the Hilux and Tacos share the same chassis or are different. Our 4wd Hilux chassis are different in the front end to the 2wd as far as control arms and front struts/springs. And if you didn't know we also sport 6 lug for 4x4 and 5 lug for 4x2. Aren't the Tacos built in Nth America like the Tundras? And you say you now have a turbo petrol Taco? They are talking of introducing the 4x4 Hilux with the twin turbo V6 diesel out of the 300series Cruiser over here. Have you checked out Super Springs in the states? Did read a lot of positive reviews from different users and all pretty much had good things to say. Think it's the Sumo spring in particular that's the alternative to airbags. I used to drive a service vehicle that had airbags fitted to compliment the leaf spring rear end and they were a good thing. That ute was quite often very heavily loaded and the airbags always did a great job keeping it level. Plus with the individual controls we could alter the pressure from side to side which was good too.

    In regards to other bits n pieces, you may know of Turbosmart and Golebys that supply different turbo related stuff over here. There's also GFB (GoFastBits) that might be worth checking out.

    Glad to hear you have an alloy welder or 2 close by, that is very handy indeed. Have only ever worked with welding mild steel.

    Hope I've answered everything and acknowledged it all mate, good to see the determination coming through. The Okanagan Valley looks a top spot to be, as much as the winters might be extreme. If it's any consolation the state of Tasmania, where we were living before hitting the road, is near on Winter like for 8 months just without the snow around the house. Does snow down there though.

    Cheers again Michael, hope you've got some sun out.

  8. Jul 5, 2023 at 3:18 PM

    TacoMan.46' [OP] New Member

    Mar 23, 2020
    Okanagan Valley BC. Canada
    Holset HX35 w .83 Turbine Housing w 44mm External Gate thru Screamer. Big FMIC. Big Clutch. Water Meth. Leveled on 5100's
    Hey Nathan.. Good t hear back from yas..

    Yeah.. Things pretty much all same around here..
    Per previous I am up & running with my current Setup' .. on the Holset H35' w/ a .83 Turbine Housing & a 44mm Ext. w/Gate' .. Big FMIC & AEM Water Meth' .. Otherwise Stock..

    Oh yeah .. Lots of Kool Stuff Potential' in the future, Short Shifter' Headwork' Better Cooling' Big Front Brakes' 17 x 8's, Light Bar' Air Bags' etc.. but just wanna make it all Safe' as is currently..

    At the moment only lacking the understanding & ability to get engaged & working with the TIS Toyota Techstream Software Component, so I may make the next move..
    This I need, in order to perform the TSB, which updated my Stock ECU'.. Then I can move onto Data Logging & Tuning' with my vFTuner Software..

    I have put out an otherwise post here on the Forum' asking for any knowledgeable assistance on the matter, in line with what you had pretty much mentioned earlier, being.. 'That Good Helps Hard t Find' .. There is just so many channels & opinions to choose from, and Number of Software Updates'.. that it's near impossible to know which version to pursue, with any sort of confidence ..

    Pulled the Plugs' yesterday and can still see a little bit of Microscopic Detonation Evidence' on the Electrodes' at Max 5lb's Boost' w/ the Coldest Plugs I've found so far Denso 5346 - IKH24's
    (as viewed thru a mini handheld microscope, tho not visible thru the naked eye, it's there) ..

    However, and either way.. I gotta get this Sorted' pronto (sooner than later) just need the correct guidance..

    Thinking simplest or earlier versions may be best, as my Taco 2tr is now pretty old being an 09' 5'Gear .. with the later versions dealing/providing for a lot more electronics options & parameters than I could ever want to deal with.. Lol'

    Oh' WoW' .. That's Timing'.. Just had the Power go Out' as I'm writing this to you.. So Hey' a good time for a little more research.. Gonna have t let you Go'..

    Thanks as well for the Parts References' .. I'm aware of GFB's from Turbo Yota & Skid Factory' and will followup with the 'Advance Adapters lads' .. see what they have to offer..

    As well still quite keen, to find someone that can provide access to a Frwd Facing Intake Manifold'.. Ideally I'd find something that's setup for 75mm then I can Adaptor Down' to Stock while I'm horsing around with it..

    That would be Mega'..

    Thanks much M8'..

    Will keep you Posted..
  9. Jul 6, 2023 at 2:10 AM

    okMONKINAWA New Member

    Jul 6, 2023
    First Name:
    2019 Yoda Tacoma SR5 V6 4X2 AUTO double cab
    Side steps, A/T lll tires, slotted and drilled front roters, ceramic and Kevlar pads.
    As one of the things I've read. Id have used irideum plugs there $17 each and like how they perform.
  10. Jul 6, 2023 at 9:50 AM

    TacoMan.46' [OP] New Member

    Mar 23, 2020
    Okanagan Valley BC. Canada
    Holset HX35 w .83 Turbine Housing w 44mm External Gate thru Screamer. Big FMIC. Big Clutch. Water Meth. Leveled on 5100's
    Gooday.. Yes, I am using the Denso Iridium Plugs..

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