
Still moving... 4000lbs with a 2.7L!

:devil: My Tacoma to the rescue (didn't have enough money to get a moving truck). ;)

Still moving... 4000lbs with a 2.7L!
007Tacoma, Jun 25, 2007
    • Ldytaco05
      was that your wifey?:) how was the ride with that load? still moving?
    • Ldytaco05
      was that your wifey? how was the ride with that load? still moving?
    • 007Tacoma
      Yep, that was my wife in the corner of the picture. She had to shut the garage by the keypad. My neighbor has the remote from my truck. They are going to take care of the house while we are out of town.

      The ride was nice. It made all the bumps really soft. :)

      We can't move the rest of the furniture until the house sells. We are trying to make it more appealing by keeping it somewhat furnished.
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