Truck champion

07 Tundra and Me

Me and the new Killer 07 Tundra

07 Tundra and Me
Truck champion, Nov 11, 2006
    • Ldytaco05
      it's so big!!!!! :0)
    • joemungus
      this is the only guy i would ever buy another truck from. Its funny seeing someone you know on the net. Theres a reason he's the truck king. his after sale commitment to satisfaction is astounding. does what he says and says what he does. Smaller family ran business with big class. Right down to the home made cookies mailed to my door. no joke. These guys rock. joemungus.
    • 007Tacoma
      Ok, where's mine? :)
    • coreyredken
      Hey, I got homemade cookies mailed to my front door as well! But in Georgia here. They were chocolate chip in a white toyota tin. And very YUMMY!
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    Nov 11, 2006
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