
Remember drive safe..and watch who you let drive your NEW TACOMA ! And yes

Driving down i-85s on a drive to a concert in March. It starts raining hard,we were going the speed limit. 18-Wheeler passes us, spits water up and sends us hydroplaning off the road.I was sleeping in the passenger seat,woke up to the spinning. We hit a tree and everything else is kind of a blur of adrenaline and concussion. Everyones all healed up and alot more cautious on the road. Im not one to preach but drive safe because the life of your buddies and yourselves can change forever any second. In lighter news, insurance company hooked me up and i was able to replace the Tacoma,with a little to spare.

Remember drive safe..and watch who you let drive your NEW TACOMA ! And yes
hogan42o87, Sep 17, 2008
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